Only 15% of employees worldwide feel engaged at work. Read our 10 useful tips and action plans to help you to improve your workplace productivity and engagement.
Information Security Features for Virtual Reception and Smart Lockers
We will talk about Vpod’s approach to information security concerning visitor management and smart locker technology, dissect the potential risks they pose, and delve into the strategies and best practices that can be employed to safeguard sensitive information.
How Physical Security Automation Will Promote Workplace Experience
What is physical security automation? We explain how technologies can enhance safety protocols, address employee concerns, and promote a positive workplace experience.
8 Key Considerations to Enhance Visitor Management Experience
Integrating visitor management and smart storage solutions offers numerous benefits for organisations in enhancing the visitor journey. We explore the benefits of integrating these solutions and highlight the importance of a consultative approach in achieving a successful implementation and return on investment (ROI).
Vpod At Sodexo HQ: The Holistic Approach To Workplace Management
Sodexo recognised the change in employee needs within the modern workplace – a space that could facilitate real collaboration and productivity. With this core tenant in mind, they reached out to Vpod which shares the same belief that people and tech work hand-in-hand to create the ultimate workplace ecosystem.
Employee Flexibility: Why the Future of Work is Human?
Explore what it means to have a human-centric workplace and how employees are reacting to change.
Technology and People: The Key to Unlocking Better Office Security
With companies doubling down on employee retention and investing in new technology like smart lockers to streamline their workflow,…
Space will cost you! How to maximise space efficiency in your office?
Lately, we’ve used our blogs to discuss sustainable measures in the workplace and within an organisation’s code and culture. With the…
Guests and Experts
Building a Stronger Future: The Power of Workplace Diversity
We sat down with workplace professionals in DEI, coaching, recruitment, and IT, diving deeper into the profound impact that Workplace Diversity has on productivity, employee engagement, organisational culture, and the bottom line.